From DEC,2019 the Covid-19 outbreak in all over the world.The global economy into the “cool winter” since now.Most of our customers face the big problem.Such as order reduced,delivery delay,raw cost up,funding issues,local market slow or stop running and almost all activities canceled.From Asia to European to US ,all global market face the big problem more and more serious.We are be the very important supplier role face the same situation as well,like the raw material cost up,accessory cost up,dye cost up,working limited,material supply delay and many many problems.In this “cool winter” how we can keep the business going and stable in the market is very important.We adjust our product series line,raw material supplier line,resource line and so on.After the series adjustment and movements we keep the price and production stable.In the meantime:many Chinese and East south Asia suppliers up the price,but we keep the price and delivery time stable for all our customers.
Meanwhile we supply the new service for low and small MOQ for customers can do the fast business for fitting the global market.That will help customers better service for small local customers and do the fast business.In this new era,the fast and new business way is more important role in the world.When most of supplier require the big MOQ for customers,we launch the small MOQ service face to our all customers.We have many styles and colors material stock resource for customers chose and supply to the local market fast.This is our advantage and keep the leader role in all supplier area.Besides we add more time and investment to the new and high-tech series product for customers better extend in their local market and win the leader role.
Of course in the mean time ,our customers give us many support also,such as payment advanced,put our product to be priority in there product line.
We will keep forward and hold together with our customers in the future.
Post time: Oct-29-2021